.....And I don't mean the Lunge & Perry kind of fencing. I mean the blood, sweat and tears kind of hard work fencing. The wood and metal post, the wood panel and metal wire kind of fencing. The kind of "Good fences make good neighbors" (Robert Frost)
I found Paul a great helper, Austin. Paul and Austin have worked several Saturdays so far and Josh has helped a few as well.
They started with the driveway area, in order to get the gates up, but haven't finished the entire front yet. Once they got the gates up, they continued around the corner to the East side of the property since it was so close (driveway only sits about 80 Ft off the property line).
They have posts in on the entire length of the East side 1,365.73 Ft. They're working on stretching the fence now.
Then they'll work their way around the back 322.89 Ft, then down the West side 1,368 Ft, then back across the front which is the same as the back at 322.89 Ft, but they have part of the front up towards the East side where the gates are already up.
About 3,400 +\- Ft of fence by the time they finish. They're gonna be at it for a while I'm afraid!!
Looks great so far though!!